Auto accident lawyers have multiple roles. For example, your lawyer has to investigate and research your case to get the facts of the accident. That way, the lawyer will present a strong case to the defendant. Below are some specific tasks your lawyer might undertake while researching your case.

Review the Accident Scene

The lawyer may visit the accident scene and review it firsthand. The lawyer may even notice something that the accident report didn’t include. For example, your lawyer might notice a defaced road sign that could have contributed to the accident.

Review Property Damage

Property damage forms a significant option of auto accident damages. The liable party should compensate you for the car damage plus damage to any other property you had in the car at the time of the crash. Your lawyer may review the damage to valuate your loss.

Review Available Evidence

The evidence you have determines the strength of your claim. The defendant’s evidence also determines the strength of their defense. Your lawyer will evaluate the available evidence to:

  • Authenticate it
  • Determine its value
  • Craft a response

For example, if the defendant has footage of your car just before the crash, your lawyer may want to confirm that the defendant has not edited the photograph.

Reconstruct the Accident

A typical police department has many cases on its hands and limited resources to handle the cases. Thus, the police might not investigate your accident as thoroughly as you would want.

Your lawyer works for you, so they will do everything possible to investigate the accident. For example, your lawyer may engage an accident reconstruction expert to help them understand the crash better. The reconstruction expert might unearth something, such as a mechanical failure, that might shed more light on the crash.

Track and Interview Witnesses

In addition to evidence, eyewitness testimony also holds great value in auto accident cases. A common piece of advice is to speak to witnesses and get their contact information after an auto accident. Unfortunately, that might not be possible for you to do after a catastrophic injury. Fortunately, your lawyer will track down potential witnesses and help get their testimony.

Analyze Relevant Social Media Postings

Social media can provide you with valuable information after an accident. Your lawyer may scour the internet and unearth items or information that can be helpful to your case, such as:

  • Pictures of the accident that might help you understand the accident better
  • Information that can help the lawyer to track down witnesses
  • Evidence of potential liability, such as information on the defendant drinking alcohol just before the crash

On the other hand, you should stay off social media for some time — or at least avoid posting about accident-related issues. The defense might use the information against you, just as your lawyer can use social media information to help your case.

Review Relevant Electronic Data

The lawyer may also organize for the review of electronic data related to the accident. For example, phone records, such as SMS or phone call records, can help prove that the defendant was on their phone at the time of the crash. Event data recorders, such as black boxes, can reveal the driver’s actions, such as hard braking or acceleration, just before the impact.

Consult With Expert Witnesses

Lastly, your lawyer may consult an expert witness for further insight into the accident. For example, if you suspect that a manufacturing defect caused the accident, your lawyer may consult with an expert, such as an automotive engineer, to confirm your suspicions.

Clearly, an auto accident lawyer can strengthen your case in many ways. Randall A. Wolff & Associates, Ltd. has over 30 years of experience in auto accident claims. Contact us for a free initial consultation to start working on your case.